
Grad.Eng: University of Agriculture in Brno (the graduate study of forestry engineering at the Faculty of Forestry), Brno, 1985.
PhD.: Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry (the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology), Brno, 1993.
RESEARCH PROJECTS (in Forest Research Station at Opocno):
- Are cultures of "green manure" topical also in present forest nurseries? [Jsou kultury "zeleneho hnojeni" aktualni i v soudobem lesnim skolkarstvi?]. V. Dusek and V. Narovec. 1991. Lesnicka prace, 70, (2/3): 60 - 63. (Engl. summ.) [more about project]
- Experiences with silvicultural reclamation on the land devastated by sand digging. [Zkusenosti s lesnickou rekultivaci pozemku devastovanych tezbou pisku]. V. Narovec, S. Stenicka and R. Poloncek. 1991. Lesnicka prace, 70, (7): 200 - 205. (Engl. summ.)
- Off-season growth of the Scotch pine shoots and growth deformation of the plants in the plantations. [Mimosezonni rust vyhonu borovice lesni a rustove deformace sazenic v kulturach]. V. Narovec and S. Stenicka. 1991. Lesnicka prace, 70, (9): 268 - 271. (Engl. summ.)
- Is the application of basic rock meal relevant also in the present forest nurseries? Part 1, 2. [Jsou aplikace moucek bazickych hornin aktualni i v soudobem skolkarstvi? Cast 1, 2.]. V. Narovec. 1992. Lesnicka prace, 71, (1): 9 - 10; (3): 78 - 80. (Czech script with English summary); [more about research project]
- Results of the Preform fertilizer tablets testing in forest plantations. [Vysledky testovani hnojivych tablet Preform v lesnich kulturach]. V. Narovec. 1992. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 37, (1): 18 - 21. (Engl. summ.) [more details]
- Criteria development for appreciation of soil-condition suitability for forest nursery establishment. [Vyvoj kriterii pro posuzovani vhodnosti pudnich podminek k zakladani lesnich skolek]. V. Narovec. 1993. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 38, (1): 40 - 42. (Engl. summ.)
- System of fertilization in forest nurseries based on traditional technology of planting-stock cultivation on mineral soils. [Soustava hnojeni v lesnich skolkach s tradicnim pestovanim sadboveho materialu na mineralni pude]. V. Narovec. 1993. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 38, (2): 30 - 33. (Engl. summ.)
- Amelioration of forest soils by means of silicate rock meals. [Meliorace lesnich pud pomoci bazickych silikatovych hornin]. V. Narovec and F. Sach. 1994. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 39, (3): 17 - 20. (Engl. summ.)
- Unsatisfactory growth and development of young pine stands in the eastern part of the Elbe River Region. Information about project. [Neuspokojivy rust a vyvoj mladych borovych porostu ve vychodni casti lesni oblasti Polabi. Informace o projektu]. V. Narovec, F. Sach and S. Stenicka. 1994. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 39, (3): 45 - 47. (Engl. summ.)
- Instructions for conservation of soil fertility in forest nurseries by fertilizing. [Pokyny pro udrzovani produkcni schopnosti pud v lesnich skolkach hnojenim]. V. Narovec. 1995. Opocno, FGMRI - Forest Research Station. 36 p. (Only in Czech)
- Soil conservation against introskeletal erosion using the natural ameliorative materials at reforestation. [Ochrana pudy proti introskeletove erozi aplikaci prirodnich melioracnich hmot pri zalesnovani]. V. Narovec and F. Sach. 1996. In: Monitoring, vyzkum a management ekosystemu na uzemi Krkonosskeho narodniho parku. Workshop proceedings. [Sbornik prispevku z konference ...]. Opocno, April 15 - 17 1996. Ed. S. Vacek. Opocno, FGMRI - Forest Research Station, p. 180 - 185. - ISBN 80-902200-7-X. (Engl. summ.)
- Mortality of Scotch pine after attack of Armillaria mellea s. l. and testing efficiency of control methods in young pine forest stands. [Mortalita borovice lesni po napadeni vaclavkou obecnou a testovani ucinnosti sanacnich opatreni v mladych borovych kulturach]. S. Stenicka, V. Narovec and F. Sach. 1997. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 42, (2): 19 - 22. (Engl. summ.)
- Run and conclusions from the trip past the Orlicke hory Mts ridges in October, 1997. Consultative report. [Prubeh a zavery pochuzky po hrebenu Orlickych hor dne 24. rijna 1997. Poradenska zprava pro Spravu Kolowratskych lesu v Rychnove nad Kneznou.]. V. Narovec. 1998. Opocno, FGMRI - Forest Research Station. 5 p. (Only in Czech)
- Contemporary damage of forest stands in the Orlicke hory Mts. [Mohou imise i dnes skodit lesnim porostum v Orlickych horach?]. F. Sach, D. Fottová, V. Balcar, V. Cernohous, D. Kacalek and V. Narovec. 1999. Lesnicka prace, 78, (10): 452 - 455. (Engl. summ.)
- Dicyclic growth of shoots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and the improvement silvicultural measures in the youngest pine cultures. [Dicyklicky rust vyhonu u borovice a napravna pestebni opatreni v nejmladsich kulturach]. V. Narovec. 2000. Kostelec nad Cernymi lesy, Lesnicka práce Ltd. 31 p. - ISBN 80-86386-07-4. (Engl. summ.)
- Some notes on forest fertilizers Silvamix and fertilizing of forest plantations. [Nekolik poznamek k lesnim hnojivum Silvamix a prihnojovani lesnich kultur]. V. Narovec and A. Jurasek. 2000. In: Specialni lesni pomalu rozpustna tabletovana a praskova hnojiva Silvamix. Znojmo, Ecolab Znojmo Ltd., p. 46 - 48. (in detail)
- Some notes on fertilizing of forest plantations. [Nekolik poznamek k prihnojovani lesnich kultur]. V. Narovec and A. Jurasek. 2000. Lesnicka prace, 79, (4): 176 - 177. (Only in Czech)
- Comments to the find of the fungus Ascocalyx abietina (Lagerb.) Schlapfer-Bernhard in the Orlicke hory Mts. [K nalezu houby
Ascocalyx abietina v Orlickych horach]. V. Narovec. 2001. Lesnicka prace, 80, (6): 268 - 270. (Engl. summ.)
- Hundredfold about forest fertilization. Principles of forest soils improvement and forest stands nutrition by fertilizing. [Stokrat o hnojeni v lese. Zasady zlepsovani lesnich pud a vyzivy lesnich porostu hnojenim]. V. Narovec. 2001. Ed. 2. Kostelec nad Cernymi lesy, Lesnicka prace Ltd. 31 p. - ISBN 80-86386-16-3. (Only in Czech)
- Experience with establishment and cultivation of Scotch pine stands of the first age degree. [Zkusenosti se zakladanim a pestovanim borovych porostu prvniho vekoveho stupne]. V. Narovec. 2002. In: Borovice - semenarstvi, skolkarstvi, pestovani. Workshop proceedings. [Sbornik prispevku z konference ...]. Mimon, June 25, 2002. Ed. J. Janota. Praha, Ceska lesnicka spolecnost [Czech Forestry Society] 2002, p. 32 - 43. (Engl. summ.)
- Report on current testing of containers for growing containerized planting stock of forest trees. [Aktualne o testovani obalu krytokorenneho sadebniho materialu lesnich drevin]. Reports of Forest Research, [Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu], 50, 2005 (1): p. 63 - 64. (Engl. summ.)
- Declining and injured needles in young spruce outplantings and their causes. [Odumirani a poskozovani jehlic v mladych smrkovych vysadbach a jeho priciny]. In: Contemporary state and development trends of forests in cultural landscape. International postgraduate students' conference MendelNet 2005. Poster session. Brno, November 8 - 10 2005. Eds. P. H. Simkova, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno 2005. (Download of poster: 368 kB)

Last update: September 11, 2011