Problem of gall midge Contarinia fagi in forest nurseries
of the Czech Republic


Jarmila Narovcova and Marcela Skuhrava

The beech bud gall midge (Contarinia fagi) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) attacks beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica) in several forest nurseries in the Czech Republic. Four generations of this gall midge developed in the glass-house of the Forest Research Station at Opocno in 2002. Theoretically, the offspring of one parent pair of gall midge (of 1 female and 1 male) should produce during 4 generations up to 100,000 adults which may attack up to 300,000 beech buds in one vegetation season. In the Czech Republic beech seedlings are damaged also by other biotic agents, viz. eriophyid mites of the genus Aceria (Eriophyidae, Acari) and by fungi of the genus Nectria (Ascomycetes, Fungi). Multiplication and stunted shoots of young beech plants may be manifestation of virus disease. To prevent this situation, it is necessary to control beech seedlings by all accessible means.
The following recommendations may contribute to reduce the occurrence of damaging agents: to change each year the soil (organic) substratum, in which young beech seedlings are grown; to determine the suitable time for sowing the beech seed to prevent the coincidence of very young beech plants and flying gall midges (Contarinia fagi); to repeat the chemical control of young beech plants and to use such insecticides which are directed at sucking insects. Preventive chemical control in forest nurseries is advisable at places where damaged young beech plants occur.

Sources of information (text only in Czech):


NAROVCOVA, J.: Zkusenosti s ochranou proti bejlomorce bukopupenove. In: Priciny poskozeni buku v lesnich skolkach a moznosti preventivnich opatreni. Proceedings from the national workshop. Opocno, May 30, 2002. Kravare, AVE CENTRUM 2002, p. 6 - 7. - ISBN 80-86268-04-7. [Download of original: PDF - 65 kB].

NAROVCOVA, J., SKUHRAVA, M.: Priciny poskozeni buku v lesnich skolkach. Lesnicka prace, 81, 2002, (3): p. 120 - 123. [Download of original: PDF - 1.21 MB].

SKUHRAVA, M.: Bejlomorka bukoupenova a dalsi skudci na buku v lesnich skolkach. In: Priciny poskozeni buku v lesnich skolkach a moznosti preventivnich opatreni. Proceedings from the national workshop. Opocno, May 30, 2002. Kravare, AVE CENTRUM 2002, p. 4 - 5. [Download of original: PDF - 66 kB].

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Last update of page: October 7, 2002