Vladimir Cernohous

Born 28. 11. 1957 in Usti nad Orlici
Employed in FGMRI, Opocno Research Station since 1990


Forestry professional training institution Svoboda nad Upou, graduated in 1975
Forestry Technical Secondary School Trutnov, graduated in 1979
University of Agriculture Praha, faculty of agronomy, department of amelioration, graduated in 1983

Research activity

From 1983 he was working in the Center of Forestry Amelioration. At the beginning he was interested in biological activities (tending of tree stands on creek banks), later in torrent control and drainage of waterlogged sites. From 1990 he has been working in the Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Forest Research Station in Opočno. He has solved projects pertaining to water regime management supporting forest stand regeneration, to problems on forest hydrology and pedology. He has given special consultancy on forest amelioration and torrent control. He has led a research on a small mountain watershed called U Dvou loucek since 1991.

The U Dvou loucek experimental watershed

The U dvou loucek experimental watershed was established for the purpose of studying the problems of draining a waterlogged forested watershed situated on a mountain slope. The small forested watershed U Dvou loucek occurs in the uppermost part of the Orlicke hory Mts. The position of the watershed is determined by geographical coordinates l6o 30' 56'' E and 50o l3' 16'' N. The watershed is situated at 880-950 m altitude, mean altitude according to a hypsographic curve being 922 m.
The watershed is fan-shaped (substitute figure being a parabola with the side B length 820 m), form coefficient is 1.16, watershed divide length is 2290 m (coefficient of the watershed divide division 1.13) and talweg length is 530 m. The area of the watershed amounts to 32.6 ha. The area exhibits variable slope, viz. in the lower part 7.5o, in the middle part 8.5° and in the upper part 4.3°. Mean slope calculated from the course of contours is 6.4°. The talweg inclination is 5.4°. The SW watershed aspect changes in border parts to the SE and W aspects. A watercourse draining the watershed is formed by two branches. The right branch exhibiting 5.9° inclination is 340 m long while the left branch having 5.3° inclination is 300 m long. One quarter of the watershed area is affected by high groundwater table (flowing water and spring area). Permanent waterlogging occurs on 5.5 ha, temporary waterlogging in the summer half-year does not exceed the area of 5 ha. The area of the full-grown beech/spruce stand (mean age 70 years) was 6.8 ha in 1991 (21% of the area) and till the year 1995 decreased to 5.7 ha (17%) due to the further disintegration of spruce ecosystems. The remaining area of the watershed is a clear-cut area resulted from air pollution salvage felling (the watershed is situated in the air pollution danger zone A) with a Norway spruce young plantation of various age (max. 10 years old). Road density in the watershed amounts to 62 m.ha-1 being formed by skidding and hauling roads.
In the U Dvou loucek watershed, hydrological and silvicultural research programmes are conducted. The hydrological programme includes watershed calibration in hydrological years 1991/92-1995/96 including recording hydropedological characteristics, manual implementation of the ecological draining measure in summer 1996 and the study of the effects of draining on further hydrology and hydropedology of the watershed. Draining measures aimed at the restoration of functions of the existing drainage system and the interception of runoff from spring areas and areas with insufficient drainage were carried out on the area greater than 2 ha. The length of drainage ditches reached about 500 m. The silvicultural research programme follows up the implemented drainage. It deals with the improvement of the survival and growth of established spruce young plantations and increasing their biodiversity and ecological stability. In part of the drained area protected by fencing of an area of about 1 ha with three degrees of the soil profile moisture (moist, moister, moistest), beech, sycamore maple and silver fir are interplanted into the spruce plantation and on unforested places since 1997. Various types of mound and ridge planting and amelioration using natural materials (basic rock meals) are applied.
To obtain input data, precipitation in the watershed is measured by eight station rain gauges and two ombrographs connected with the NOEL automatic meteorological station. Other characteristics of the soil and air sphere are also determined as well as the dynamics of air pollution flow by a summation method. Vertical seepage onto the bedrock using ten floating lysimeters placed at a depth of 0.75 m with a total area of 1 m2 and lateral subsurface flow from the boundary line of organic and mineral horizons and from the boundary line of more loose and more compacted mineral layers were also measured. Groundwater table is monitored by 52 water table measuring pipes placed in two transects (perpendicularly to the contour and across ditches) and on four microplots differing in vegetation cover (peat moss, reed, hairgrass and mixed growth). Suction pressure of soil is measured by 168 tensometers at a depth of 0.3-0.6 m in two microplots (10x10 m) differing in moisture. The flow (discharge) in the watercourse was monitored by a METRA float limnigraph. Since 1996, the flow is recorded by a NOEL combined float and manometric limnigraph with automatic data collection.


  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Problematika odvodnovani lesnich pud v imisnich oblastech (na prikladu uzemi Vychodoceskych statnich lesu). [Problems of the forest soil drainage in the air pollution areas on the example of territory of the Eastern Bohemian State Forests]. Lesnicka prace, 70, 1991, c. 5, s. 137 - 141.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Vyzkum zamokreneho horskeho povodi. [Research of a waterlogged mountain watershed]. In: Studium horskych lesnich ekosystemu a jejich poskozeni v Ceske republice. Sbornik z pracovniho seminare ... 17. a 18. brezna 1992 v Ceskych Budejovicich. Ed. K. Matejka. Ceské Budejovice, Ustav krajinne ekologie CSAV 1992, s. 66 - 68.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Srazkove a odtokove pomery zamokreneho smyceneho povodi ve vrcholove partii Orlickych hor. [Precipitation and runoff relations on a waterlogged cut watershed in the top region of the Orlicke hory Mts]. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 38, 1993, c. 2, s. 33 - 36.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Hladina podzemni vody a pudni vlaha v zamokrenem povodi po imisnich tezbach. [Relations of precipitation water table, and soil moisture in mountainous waterlogging watershed after immission logging]. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 41, 1996, c. 2, s. 5 - 8.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Stav a vyvoj lesnich porostu v Orlickych horach. [Condition and development forest stands in the Orlicke hory Mts]. In: Orlice '97. Konference: pruvodce. Letohrad, 9. - 10. rijna 1997. Zamberk, Sdruzeni obci a mest Orlice 1997, s. 112 - 114.
  • CERNOHOUS, V. - SACH, F.: Transformace srazek zamokrenym lesnim povodim na horskem svahu. [Precipitation transformation by a waterlogged forest watershed on a mountain slope]. (Upraveny poster). In: Soucasne problemy lesnicke hydrologie. Sbornik seminare. Brno, 26. - 27. 9. 1996. Ed. M. Kravka. Brno, Mendelova zemedelska a lesnicka univerzita 1997, s. 15 - 23.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Srazkoodtokove pomery zamokreneho povodi po imisnich tezbach. [Precipitation and run-off conditions of waterlogged catchment after felling due to air pollution]. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkumu, 43, 1998, c. 2, s. 1 - 4.
  • CERNOHOUS, V. - SACH, F.: Vliv lesa na retenci a akumulaci vody v lesnich povodich a moznosti jejich zvysovani. [Forest influence on water retention and accumulation in forest watersheds and possibilities of their increasing]. In: Hydrologicka bilance a moznosti zvysovani slozek retence a akumulace vody. Sbornik prednasek ... Praha, 5. 2. 1998. Red. J. Fidler. Praha, CZU 1998, s. 10 - 20.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Suche periody v Orlickych horach behem vegetacniho obdobi a jejich potencialni vliv na ujimavost, odrustani a zdravotni stav smrkovych kultur. [The drought periods in the Orlické hory Mountains during growing season and their potential impact on rooting, growth and health condition of young spruce plantation]. In: Lesnicke hospodareni v imisni oblasti Orlickych hor. Sbornik referatu z celostatniho seminare. Opocno, 31. 8. - 1. 9. 2000. Ed. M. Slodicak. Opocno, VULHM - Vyzkumna stanice 2000, s. 25 - 29. - Res. angl. - ISBN 80-902615-9-0.
  • CERNOHOUS, V.: Uprava vodniho rezimu lesnich pozemku. [Water regime arrangement of forest lands]. Farmar. Mesicnik pro kazdeho zemedelce, 7, 2001, c. 10, s. 78 - 80.
  • HRUSKA, J. - FOTTOVA, D. - SACH, F. - CERNOHOUS, V.: Zmeny chemismu pud a povrchovych vod v dusledku dlouhodobe acidifikace Orlickych hor. [Changes of soil and surface water chemistry as a result of long-term acidification of the Orlicke hory Mts]. In: Lesnicke hospodareni v imisni oblasti Orlickych hor. Sbornik referatu z celostatniho seminare. Opocno, 31. 8. - 1. 9. 2000. Ed. M. Slodicak. Opocno, VULHM - Vyzkumna stanice 2000, s. 13 - 24. - Res. angl. - ISBN 80-902615-9-0.
  • SACH, F. - KANTOR, P. - CERNOHOUS, V.: Water budget in a young stands of substitute tree species in immission region of the Trutnov Piedmont in the Czech Republic. [Vodni bilance v mladych porostech nahradnich drevin v imisni oblasti Trutnovske pahorkatiny v Ceske republice]. Lesnictvi, 40, 1994, c. 5, s. 211 - 216.
  • SACH, F. - FOTTOVA, D. - BALCAR, V. - CERNOHOUS, V. - KACALEK, D. - NAROVEC, V.: Mohou imise i dnes skodit lesnim porostum v Orlickych horach? [Contemporary damage of forest stands in the Orlicke hory Mts]. Lesnicka prace, 78, 1999, c. 10, s. 452 - 455. [Engl. summ.]
  • SACH, F. - CERNOHOUS, V. - PODRAZSKY, V.: Druhova diverzita a zdravotni stav restaurovanych smrkovych kultur. [Tree species diversity and health stage of restored spruce plantation]. In: Lesnicke hospodareni v imisni oblasti Orlickych hor. Sbornik referatu z celostatniho seminare. Opocno, 31. 8. - 1. 9. 2000. Ed. M. Slodicak. Opocno, VULHM - Vyzkumna stanice 2000, s. 81 - 86. -Res. angl. - ISBN 80-902615-9-0.
  • SACH, F. - KANTOR, P. - CERNOHOUS, V.: Forest ecosystems, their management by man and floods in the Orlické hory Mts in summer 1997. [Lesne ekosystemy, ich obhospodarovanie clovekom a povodne v Orlickych horach v lete roku 1997]. Ekologia (Bratislava), 19, 2000, c. 1, s. 72 - 91.
  • SACH, F. - CERNOHOUS, V.: Pestebni problemy s obnovou lesa v Orlickych horach. [Silvicultural problems of forest regeneration in the Orlicke hory Mts]. In: Pestovanie lesa v zmenenych ekologickych podmienkach. Zbornik referatov z 2. cesko-slovenskeho vedeckeho sympozia pedagogickovedeckych a vedeckovyskumnych pracovisk v odbore Pestovanie lesa. Zvolen, 5. a 6. september 2000. Zost. M. Saniga, P. Jaloviar. Zvolen, Technicka univerzita 2000, s. 66 - 67. - Res. angl. - ISBN 80-228-0974-8.
  • SACH, F. - CERNOHOUS, V.: Redukce urodnosti pudy a rustu smrkových kultur v dusledku mechanizovaneho shrnovani klestu. [Reduction of soil fertility and young spruce stand growth due to mechanized windrowing]. In: Lesnicke hospodareni v imisni oblasti Orlickych hor. Sbornik referatu z celostatniho seminare. Opocno, 31. 8. - 1. 9. 2000. Ed. M. Slodicak. Opocno, VULHM - Vyzkumna stanice 2000, s. 65 - 72. - Res. angl. - ISBN 80-902615-9-0.
  • SACH, F. - CERNOHOUS, V. - SORM, L.: Vyvraty bukovych vystavku - liniove melioracni a zpevnujici prvky? [Windfalls of beech seed-trees - linear ameliorative and stabilizing elements?]. In: Lesnicke hospodareni v imisni oblasti Orlickych hor. Sbornik referatu z celostatniho seminare. Opocno, 31. 8. - 1. 9. 2000. Ed. M. Slodicak. Opocno, VULHM - Vyzkumna stanice 2000, s. 165 -166. - Res. angl. - ISBN 80-902615-9-0.
  • KACALEK, D. - CERNOHOUS, V. - SICHAN, R.: Porostni pomery a stav prirozene obnovy prirozeneho smiseneho lesa v okoli lokality Hlodny. [Forest stand conditions and a state of natural regeneration in the mixed forest stand in a locality of Hlodny]. In: Soucasne otazky pestovani horskych lesu. Sbornik z 3. cesko-slovenskeho vedeckeho sympozia ... Opocno, 13. 9. - 14. 9. 2001. Ed. M. Slodicak, J. Novak. Jiloviste-Strnady, Vyzkumny ustav lesniho hospodarstvi a myslivosti 2001, s. 249 - 260. - ISBN 80-86461-13-0.